Hotels near Victoria Peak in Hong Kong


Victoria Peak, also known simply as The Peak, is the highest point on Hong Kong Island, standing at 552 meters (1,811 feet) above sea level. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Hong Kong, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city’s skyline, Victoria Harbour, and the surrounding islands. The Peak is not just a popular tourist destination but also a prestigious residential area, known for its luxurious homes and lush greenery. The summit is accessible via the historic Peak Tram, which has been transporting visitors up the steep hillside since 1888, providing a scenic and thrilling ascent.

Visiting Victoria Peak is a must-do experience when in Hong Kong, but it’s important to plan your trip to make the most of it. To avoid the crowds, it’s advisable to visit early in the morning or later in the evening, especially if you want to capture the stunning cityscape at sunset or after dark when the city is illuminated. The Peak Tower, a distinctive wok-shaped building at the summit, offers various attractions including viewing terraces, restaurants, and shops. While these are worth exploring, the best views are often found by taking a short walk along the Peak Circle Walk, which winds around the mountain and offers multiple vantage points with fewer crowds.

Comfortable footwear is recommended as there is some walking involved, particularly if you plan to explore the surrounding trails or the scenic Lugard Road, which offers quieter, less crowded views. The weather can be cooler and mistier at the top, so bringing a light jacket is a good idea. The Peak Tram is the most popular way to reach the summit, but it can get very busy, with long queues during peak hours. Alternatively, you might consider taking a bus or a taxi to the top and then enjoy the tram ride on the way down, which is generally less crowded and still offers a spectacular view.

Best Hotels Near Victoria Peak 2024

Check prices per night and available dates for booking:

Harbour Grand Hong Kong

Royal Park Hotel


Royal Plaza Hotel