Hotels near Piazza Navona in Rome


Piazza Navona is one of Rome’s most famous and beautiful public squares, located in the heart of the city’s historic center. Built on the site of the ancient Stadium of Domitian, the piazza retains the long, oval shape of the original arena. It’s renowned for its stunning Baroque architecture, featuring three magnificent fountains: the centerpiece Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini, the Fountain of the Moor, and the Fountain of Neptune. The square is surrounded by colorful buildings, including the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone, designed by Borromini. Piazza Navona has been a popular gathering place for Romans and tourists alike for centuries, known for its lively atmosphere, street performers, and artists.

Visiting Piazza Navona is best done at a leisurely pace, allowing time to soak in the vibrant ambiance. The square is particularly charming in the early morning when it’s less crowded, or in the evening when it’s beautifully lit. Take a stroll around the perimeter to admire the fountains and architecture from different angles. While there are many cafes and restaurants in the square offering outdoor seating with great views, be aware that prices tend to be higher due to the prime location. If you’re on a budget, consider grabbing a gelato or a snack from a nearby street and enjoying it while sitting on one of the benches around the fountains.

To enhance your visit, consider joining a guided tour that includes Piazza Navona to learn more about its rich history and artistic significance. The square often hosts various events and markets, especially during holidays, so check local event calendars if you’re interested in experiencing these. Don’t forget to explore the narrow streets surrounding the piazza, which are filled with charming shops, galleries, and less touristy dining options. If you’re an art enthusiast, visit the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone to see its ornate interior. Lastly, remember that Piazza Navona is centrally located, making it an excellent starting point or ending point for a day of sightseeing in Rome’s historic center.

Best Hotels Near Piazza Navona 2024

Check prices per night and available dates for booking:

Hotel Nazionale

H10 Palazzo Galla


Princeps Boutique Hotel