Hotels near Louvre Museum in Paris


The Louvre Museum, located in Paris, France, is one of the world’s largest and most renowned art museums, as well as a historic monument. Originally built as a fortress in the late 12th century, the Louvre was transformed into a royal palace and later into a public museum in 1793 during the French Revolution. The museum’s collection spans over 9,000 years of history and includes more than 35,000 works of art, making it a treasure trove of masterpieces from various civilizations. Among its most famous pieces are Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” the ancient Greek statue “Venus de Milo,” and Eugène Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People.” The Louvre’s iconic glass pyramid entrance, designed by architect I. M. Pei, is a symbol of the museum’s blend of historical and modern architecture.

When visiting the Louvre Museum, it’s essential to plan ahead due to its vast size and popularity. Start by purchasing tickets online to avoid the long lines at the entrance, and consider arriving early in the morning or later in the afternoon when the crowds are thinner. The museum is divided into several sections, including paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, and antiquities, so it’s helpful to decide in advance which collections or specific works you want to see. The Louvre is immense, and it can be overwhelming to try to see everything in one visit, so prioritize the exhibits that interest you most and allow yourself plenty of time to explore them.

To enhance your visit, consider renting an audio guide or joining a guided tour, which can provide valuable context and insight into the museum’s vast collections. If you’re short on time, focus on the museum’s highlights, such as the “Mona Lisa,” “Venus de Milo,” and the “Winged Victory of Samothrace.” The Louvre also offers themed tours and family-friendly options, making it accessible to all types of visitors. After your visit, take a stroll through the nearby Tuileries Garden or relax at one of the cafés surrounding the museum to reflect on the incredible art and history you’ve just experienced. Comfortable shoes are a must, as the museum’s galleries cover extensive ground, and it’s easy to spend hours exploring its treasures.

Best Hotels Near Louvre Museum 2024

Check prices per night and available dates for booking:

Hôtel Keppler

La Demeure Montaigne

Quinzerie hôtel

Bradford Elysées – Astotel